DWP ESA Atos ESA85 - 24 July 2009


The medical advice (ESA85) written by an Atos Healthcare doctor which was a defamation by libel and which failed to meet the Contract defined standard for acceptable English.

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This website provides information on how Atos runs its business, extracts from the Contract between the DWP and Atos including the MEDICAL CONDITIONS that mean a face to face medical assessment is not always necessary, ASSESSMENTS AND POINTS, the breaches of Contract that occurred in my case, my unsound medical report and the correspondence showing how difficult it is to obtain justice or advice.

The Government is inviting the public to submit petitions. Search epetitions.direct.gov.uk for "DWP" or "Atos" or "disabled" to list relevant petitions including Stop and review the cuts to benefits and services which are falling disproportionately on disabled people, their carers and families (http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/20968).

Other ongoing petitions are Petition against constant vilification of sick and disabled claimants and Petition to "Sack Atos Immediately" .

The DWP occasionally consults the public http://www.dwp.gov.uk/consultations/.

The ESA85

The medical advice (ESA85) supplied by Atos Origin written by a "doctor" whose grasp of ability to read and write English is somewhat limited and certainly not up to the standard set in the contract between the DWP and Atos Origin.

ESA85 Medical Report Form

The printed report was scanned as images, converted to text and sensitive information removed. There have been minor format changes to improve the layout. This is a true copy of the actual report.

Each page contains the following:

Report on ... completed by Dr Ludmila Semetillo on 24 July 2009 Ref: ...

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Surname                                ...
Other Names                            ...
National Insurance Number              ...
Date of Birth                          ...
Time Examination and Interview Started 16:13
Time Examination and Interview Ended   17:53
Time Report Complete                   18:06
Date of Examination                    24 July 2009
Place of Examination                   HIGHGATE MEDICAL EXAMINATION CENTRE
Healthcare Professional's Name         Dr Ludmila Semetillo (Registered Medical Practitioner)

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Client Interview

Medical Conditions and Treatment

1. Medical Conditions

Conditions Medically Identified
Brain Tumour
Cardiovascular Problem

Other Conditions Reported
Client states no other problems

2. Medication

Levetiracetam 500 mg
Atenolol (for blood pressure taken regularly.
Ramipril (for vascular disease) taken regularly.
Simvastatin (for cholesterol) taken regularly.

3. Side Effects Due to Medication

The client experiences drowsiness as a result of their epilepsy medication.

4 Description of Functional Ability

Having considered whether the condition is likely to vary during the average week 
and if the function can be carried out regularly and repeatedly taking into account, 
fluctuation, pain, fatigue, stiffness, breathlessness, balance problems etc,
the description of functional ability is as follows:

Condition History

Brain Tumour
The condition started 8 years ago.
He was unconscious for 20 minutes, he had grand mal fit with big pain.
Last admitted to ... hospital 3 months ago. Stayed in hospital for 10 days.
He was put in stroke unit with symptoms of stroke.
Has had MRI scan for Brain Tumour and the result confirmed an abnormality.
Since October 2008 he had 4 fits including 4th in April when he was admitted to hospital.
I past 6 months 3 fits.

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Description of Functional Ability

He had to submit his driving license.
She suffers with fits, cramps, problem with walking, balance, shaking, 
  visual problems, tiredness, migraines and anxiety.
He was put on anticonvulsive treatment.
Currently attends the neurosurgeon out-patient clinic at ... hospital every 3 months.
 The treatment started 3 months ago.
He was offered immediate surgery, watch and see or biopsy with radiation. 
  They decided to wait and see.
He had another MRI scan 10 June and there was no change.
He is referred to neurologist.
Sees GP at the surgery for this condition.

Cardiovascular Problem

The condition started 8 years ago.
It has been getting worse over the last 3 years.
Troubled by headaches and lightheadedness which happens most days.
Sees GP at the surgery every 1 month for routine check up for this condition.

Social History

The examination was carried out in an examination centre.
Came by tube here today, which took about 119 minutes.
Came to the examination centre alone.
Lives with their wife.
Lives in a house.

Occupational History

Last occupation: IT manager.
Stopped work 10 months ago.
The main reason for leaving work was redundancy.
Not currently working or studying,
The client is right-handed.

Description of a Typical Day

Client states that:

Usually gets up at about 6 am.
Usually sleeps well.
Usually needs to lean on something to get out of bed due to pain and stiffness.
Usually goes to bed at about 10 pm.
Poor sleep at night causes moderate fatigue and napping during the day.
Has no problems in the bathroom.
Has no problems with dressing.
Often needs someone's help to make meals due to weakness and poor concentration.

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4. Description of Functional Ability

Usually able to use kettle, use oven and use microwave.
Usually able to do housework for about 15 minutes.
Climbs and descends the stairs every day by holding on to the rail.
Always unable to go to the local shop, alone or with someone else because of weakness, 
  poor balance and blackouts.
While taking the anticonvulsive medicine 1 hour later as a side affect he feels 
  extremely tired.
Able to walk 100 metres at a slow pace to the shops occasionally.
Can travel as a passenger without significant difficulties.
Experience no difficulties queueing.
Usually has difficulty using a computer for web surfing due to their poor concentration.
Listens to music most days.
Reads books most days.
Usually finds taking part in leisure activities such as watching TV difficult, 
  due to their problem with mood disturbance.
Usually has difficulty doing light gardening due to their poor balance.
The client speaks to their friends most days,
Has no difficulty communicating with others.
Is usually able to use a mobile phone for keeping in touch with others.
Always unable to deal with own correspondence due to upper limb problem and poor dexterity.
Requires help from wife.
Always able to begin and continue to complete getting washed and getting dressed 
  without any help.
Has not suffered any serious accidents or near misses recently.
Does not drink alcohol.
Is able to manage any changes in their daily routine and continue their day to day activities.
Experiences no difficulties finding their way to both a familiar and unfamiliar location.

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Medical Opinion - Physical

I have considered the possible ESA activity outcomes and my advice is that the following apply:

Lower limb - Activity Outcomes

Activity 1 - Walking with a walking stick or other aid if such 
aid is normally used

We - Cannot walk more than 200 metres on level ground without stopping 
     or severe discomfort

Activity 2 - Standing and Sitting

Sg - None of the above apply

Activity 3 - Bending or Kneeling

Bd - None of the above apply

Lower Limb - Supporting Medical Evidence

5. Prominent features of functional Ability Relevant to Daily Living

Client states that:

Has no problems in the bathroom.
Has no problems with dressing.
Usually able to use kettle, use oven and use microwave.
Usually able to do housework for about 15 minutes.
Climbs and descends the stairs every day by holding on to the rail.
Always unable to go to the local shop, alone or with someone else because of weakness,
  poor balance and blackouts.
Able to walk 1OO metres at a slow pace to the shops occasionally.
Usually has difficulty doing light gardening due to their poor balance.

6 Behaviour Observed During Assessment
Client was able to sit on a chair with a back for 65 minutes.
The client rose twice from sitting in an upright chair (with chair arms) without 
  physical assistance from another person.
The client was able to bend to the floor and get up again to pick up an item 
  without assistance.
Stood independently for 5 minutes without difficulty.
The client walked 35 metres normally to the examination room.

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6 - Behaviour Observed During Assessment

Gait observed to be broad-based and I found this consistent.
Was able to get onto the couch without assistance,
Did not appear to have any difficulty using a step to get onto the couch.

7. Relevant Features of Clinical Examination

Abnormal Findings:                             Relevant Normal findings:
Right Leg
Power in the right leg was slightly reduced
Reasons for loss of function: Pain, Stiffness,
Neurological Problem
Blood Pressure
Slightly raised sitting blood pressure

Other findings:

No other significant findings from the lower limb examination noted.
No other significant findings from the cardiac examination noted.
No other significant findings from the vascular examination were noted.

8. Summary of Functional Ability

Examination findings suggest mild disability due to functional loss of the lower leg, 
which is consistent with the typical day and observations.

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Upper Limbs - Activity Outcomes

Activity 4 - Reaching

Re        None of the above apply

Activity 5 - Picking up and moving or transferring by the use 
of the upper body and arms

Pd        None of the above apply

Activity 6 - Manual Dexterity

Mj        None of the above apply

Upper Limbs - Supporting Medical Evidence

9. Prominent Features of Functional Ability Relevant to 
Daily Living

Client states that:

Has no problems in the bathroom.
Has no problems with dressing.
Usually able to use kettle, use oven and use microwave.
Usually able to do housework for about 15 minutes.
Always unable to go to the local shop, alone or with someone else because 
  of weakness, poor balance and blackouts.

10. Behaviour Observed During Assessment

Had difficulty with removing coat but was able to manage unaided.

11. Relevant features of Clinical Examination

Abnormal Findings:                                Relevant Normal Findings:
Right Upper Arm                                   Neck
Muscle power in the right arm is significantly    No neck tenderness
reduced                                           No grating felt on neck movements
Reasons far loss of function: Pain, Stiffness,    Can touch chin to front of chest
Neurological Problem                              Full upward neck movement
                                                  Can look over left shoulder
                                                  Can move left ear towards shoulder
                                                  Can look over right shoulder

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11. Relevant features of Clinical Examination

                                                  Can move right ear towards shoulder

                                                  Left Upper Arm
                                                  Left shoulder turns outwards normally
                                                  Can put left hand fully behind neck
                                                  Left hand can reach fully behind back
                                                  Can raise left arm away from side as normal
                                                  Can fully bend left elbow
                                                  Muscle power in the left arm was normal

                                                  Right Upper Arm
                                                  Right shoulder turns outwards normally
                                                  Can put right hand fully behind neck
                                                  Right hand can reach fully behind back
                                                  Can raise right arm away from side as normal
                                                  Can fully bend right elbow
                                                  Muscle tone in the right arm was normal

                                                  Left Forearm
                                                  Left wrist turns inwards as normal
                                                  Left wrist turns outwards as normal
                                                  Left wrist bends backwards as normal
                                                  Left wrist bends forwards as normal
                                                  Left hand - thumb and index finger grip normally
                                                  Left fist grips normally

                                                  Right forearm
                                                  Right wrist turns inwards as normal
                                                  Right wrist turns outwards as normal
                                                  Right wrist bends backwards as normal
                                                  Right wrist bends forwards as normal
                                                  Right hand - thumb and index finger grip normally
                                                  Right fit grips normally

Other Findings:

No other significant findings from the upper limb examination were noted.

12. Summary of Functional Ability

The client's Brain Tumour is mild. They have seen a specialist for this problem. 
  The medication used is average strength.

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Vision, Speech, Hearing - Activity Outcomes

Activity 9 - Vision including visual acuity and visual fields, in normal daylight 
             or bright electric light, with glasses or other aid to vision if such 
             aid is normally worn

Vg        None of the above apply

Activity 7 - Speech

SPe       None of the above apply

Activity 8 - Hearing with a hearing aid or other aid if normally worn

He        None of the above apply

Vision, Speech, Hearing - Supporting Medical Evidence

13. Prominent Features of Functional Ability Relevant to Daily Living

Client states that:

Has no problems in the bathroom.
Usually able to use kettle, use oven and use microwave.
Usually able to do housework for about 15 minutes.
Usually has difficulty using a computer for web surfing due to their poor concentration.

14. Behaviour Observed During Assessment

Had no difficulty negotiating doorways and furniture within the examination centre.
Had no difficulty reading small print on medicine label and a letter.

15. Relevant Features of Clinical Examination

Visual acuity was 6/6 using both eyes with glasses.
Visual field testing was normal in both eyes.

16. Summary of Functional Ability

There was no evidence of significant physical disability affecting vision from the 
condition history, typical day history, physical examination findings, observed 
behaviour and medical knowledge of the condition.

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Continence (Other than Enuresis) - Activity Outcome

Activity 10a - Continence other than enuresis (bed wetting) where the person does 
               not have an artificial stoma or urinary collecting device

Ch        None of the above apply

Continence - Supporting Medical Evidence

19. Summary of Functional Ability

Client has no problem with this activity.

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Consciousness - Activity Outcome

Activity 11 - Remaining conscious during waking moments

Fc        At least twice in the six months immediately preceding the assessment, 
          has had an involuntary episode of lost or altered consciousness, resulting 
          in significantly disrupted awareness or concentration

Consciousness - Supporting Medical Evidence

20. Prominent Features of Functional Ability Relevant to Daily Living

Client states that:

Always unable to go to the local shop, alone or with someone else because of weakness,
   poor balance and blackouts.
Has no problems in the bathroom.
Able to walk 100 metres at a slow pace to the shops occasionally.
Had to give up driving due to problems with fits.

21. Relevant Features of Clinical Examination

Neurological examination revealed moderate weakness in the right leg.

22. Summary of Functional Ability

The customer's fit result in infrequent episodes of altered consciousness during 
  waking hours, which result in significantly disrupted awareness or concentration. 
  They have seen a specialist for this problem. The medication used is average strength.
The client's medication does improve their level of function.

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Medical Opinion - Mental, Cognitive and Intellectual Function

Understanding and Focus - Activity Outcomes

Activity 12 - Learning or comprehension in the completion of tasks

LTf        None of the above apply

Activity 13 - Awareness of Hazard

AHd       None of the above apply

Activity 14 - Memory and Concentration

MCc       Frequently forgets or loses concentration to such an extent that overall day to day
          life can only be successfully managed with pre-planning, such as making a daily
          written list of all tasks forming part of daily life that are to be completed.

Activity 15 - Execution of Tasks

ETe       None of the above apply

Activity 16 - Initiating and sustaining personal action

IAe       None of the above apply

Understanding and Focus - Supporting Medical Evidence

23. Prominent features of Functional AbiIity Relevant to Daily Living

Client states that:

Has no problems in the bathroom.
Usually able to use kettle, use oven and use microwave.
Usually able to do housework for about 15 minutes.
Always able to begin and continue to complete getting washed and getting dressed 
  without any help.
Has not suffered any serious accidents or near misses recently.
Experiences no difficulties finding their way to both a familiar and unfamiliar location.
Usually has difficulty using a computer for web surfing due to their poor concentration.
Always unable to deal with own correspondence due to upper limb problem and poor 
  dexterity. Requires help from wife.

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24. Relevant Features of Clinical Examination

Abnormal findings:                   Relevant Normal Findings:

Looks tired

Was restless

Cognition - General
Needing prompting at interview
Poor concentration on examination

25. Summary of Functional Ability

Mental state examination suggests the client's Brain Tumour causes mild disability 
  with their concentration, which is consistent with the condition history, 
  typical day history and medical knowledge of the condition.

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Adapting to Change - Activity Outcomes

Activity 17 - Coping With Change

CCd       None of the above apply

Activity 18 - Getting About

GAe       None of the above apply

Activity 19 - Coping With Social Situations

CSd       None of the above apply

Adapting to Change - Supporting Medical Evidence

28. Summary of Functional Ability

Client has no problem with these activities.

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Social Interaction - Activity Outcomes

Activity 20 - Propriety of Behaviour with Other People

IBg       None of the above apply

Activity 21 - Dealing with Other People                                          

DPg       None of the above apply

Social Interaction - Supporting Medical Evidence

31. Summary of Functional Ability

Client has no problem with these activities.

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Exceptional Circumstances

Non-Functional Descriptor

The Non-functional descriptors were not considered for this case as curtailment applied.

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Limited Capability for Work-Related Activity

34. Evidence to support the opinion that the person does not meet any of the descriptors
for limited capability for work-related activity

Terminally Ill:
There are no conditions reported that are likely to result in death within 6 months.

From the available evidence, the client is not receiving or recovering from chemotherapy 
administered via an intravenous, intraperitoneal or intrathecal route.

Pregnancy Risk:
Male client.

Substantial Mental or Physical Risk:
There is no indication of any condition that would lead to a substantial mental 
or physical risk if the client were found capable of work related activity.

Watking or moving on level ground:
Although the client has some limitation walking, the history, examination, 
observed behaviour and medical knowledge of the condition suggest they would be 
able to walk more than 30 metres.

Rising from sitting and transferring from one seated position to another;
The evidence does not support that the client has a significant problem rising 
and transferring, therefore they should be able to rise from sitting and transfer 
themselves independently.

Picking up and moving or transferring by the use of the upper body and arms, 
reaching and manual dexterity:
The evidence does not support that they suffer from a physical condition severely 
affecting the trunk or upper limb function. Therefore, they should be able to use 
a star-headed tap, reach up to the top pocket of a coat or jacket, pack up 
and move a O.5 litre carton full of liquid and pick up a £1 coin or equivalent.

Continence where the client does not have an artificial stoma or urinary device:
The evidence does not support a significant continence problem, therefore it is 
unlikely the client would lose control every week of full bladder emptying or 
full bowel evacuation.

Maintaining personal hygiene:
The evidence indicates that the client's physical and mental function is at a level 
which would allow them to clean the front of their own torso independently.

Eating and drinking:
The evidence does not support that the client cannot eat and
drink independently.

Learning or comprehension in the completion of tasks and personal action:

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34. Evidence to support the opinion that the person does not meet any of the descriptors
for limited capability for work-related activity

The evidence does not support that there is either a severe mental health problem or 
impairment of cognitive ability which would prevent the client being able to learn 
or understand how to undertake a simple task, or to initiate and sustain basic 
personal action.

There is no evidence to support that the client has significant difficulty interpreting 
or using any of the usual forms of communication.

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35. Expected Change

Functional Problems:
I advise that a return to work could be considered within 6 months.

36. Reasons for the Opinion Given

The client's level of disability would be expected to improve with time and 
appropriate treatment.

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Medical Examination Findings

The information contained in this section uses medical terminology and is intended 
for a reader with medical training. All relevant findings are explained in 
non-technical terminology in the appropriate sections earlier in the report.

37. General

The details of the physical examination were explained to the client, who gave 
consent for the  process to proceed.

38. Lower Limb

Lower Back
Spinal Curves: Are normal
Palpation: There is no tenderness or muscle spasm
Forward flexion to: Mid shin
Squat and rise: Is Full

Left Leg
Hip flexion is: 130° (normal)
Knee flexion is: 120° (normal)
Knee extension is: Full
External hip rotation: 45° (normal)
Tone: Normal
Power: Normal
Straight leg raising is: Normal (more than 70°)

Right Leg
Hip flexion is: 130° (normal)
Knee flexion is: 120° (normal)
Knee extension is: Full
External hip rotation: 45° (normal)
Tone: Normal
Power: Slightly Reduced
Straight leg raising is: Normal (more than 70°)

Reasons for loss of function: Pain, Stiffness, Neurological Problem

No other significant findings from the lower limb examination noted.

39. Upper Limb

Neck tenderness: None

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39. Upper Limb

Neck crepitus: None
Chin to chest: No gap
Neck extension: 80° or more (normal)
Left Neck rotation: 80° or more (normal)
Left Ear towards shoulder ; Yes
Right Neck rotation: 80° or more (normal)
Right Ear towards shoulder: Yes

Left Upper Arm
Shoulder external rotation: 70° (normal)
Hands behind neck: fingers overlap mid-line
Hands behind back: finger to mid scapula
Shoulder abduction: 170° (normal)
Elbow flexion: 130° (normal)
Power: Normal

Right Upper Arm
Shoulder external rotation: 70° (normal)
Hands behind neck: fingers overlap mid-line
Hands behind back: finger to mid scapula
Shoulder abduction: 170° (normal)
Elbow flexion: 130° (normal)
Tone: Normal
Power: Significantly Reduced

Reasons for loss of function: Pain, Stiffness, Neurological Problem

Left Forearm
Wrist pronation: 70° - 80° (normal)
Wrist supination: 70° - 80° (normal)
Wrist dorsi-flexion ; 30° or more
Wrist palmar-flexion: 30° or more
Pinch-grip: Normal (thumb to index finger)
Power-grip: Normal

Right forearm
Wnst pronation: 70° - 80° (normal)
Wrist supinatian ; 70° - 80° (normal)
Wrist dani-flexion: 30° or more
Wrist palmar-flexion: 30° or more
Pinch-grip: Normal (thumb to index finger)
Power-grip: Normal

No other significant findings from the upper limb examination were noted.

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40. Cardiac, Respiratory, Vascular

Cyanosis: Absent
Clubbing: Absent

Arcus Senilis: Absent
Xanthelasmata: Absent
Malar Flush: Absent
Butterfly Rash: Absent
Plethoric: Absent

Nicotine Stained: Absent
Temperature: Normal
Sweaty: Normal
Tremor: Absent
Splinter Haemorrhages: Absent

Radial Pulse
Pulse Rate: 65 bpm
Rhythm: Regular
Left Radial Pulse: Normal Volume

Blood Pressure
Sitting: 140 / 100
Arm Used: Left arm used

Left Leg Peripheral Circulation
Ankle oedema: None
General Appearance: No evidence of significant peripheral vascular disease
Dorsalis pedis pulse: Normal
Popliteal Pulse: Normal
Capillay return: Normal
Bandaging: Absent
Arterial Ulcers: Absent
Scarring: Absent
Hairlessness: Absent
Venous Ulcers: Absent
Varicose Veins: None
Pigmentation: Absent
Varicose Eczema: Absent
Thrombophlebitis: Absent
Lipodermatosclerosis: Absent
Temperature: Normal

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40. Cardiac, Respiratory, Vascular

Right Leg Peripheral Circulation
Ankle oedema: None
General Appearance: No evidence of significant peripheral vascular disease
Dorsalis pedis pulse: Normal
Popliteal Pulse: Normal
Capillary return: Normal
Bandaging: Absent
Arterial Ulcers: Absent
Scarring: Absent
Hairlessness: Absent
Venous Ulcers: Absent
Varicose Veins: None
Pigmentation: Absent
Varicose Eczema: Absent
Thrombophlebitis: Absent
Lipodermatosclerosis: Absent
Temperature: Normal

Heart Sounds
Character: Normal

Lung Sounds
Crackles amount: None

No other significant findings from the cardiac examination noted.
No other significant findings from the vascular examination were noted.

41. Vision, Speech, Hearing

Visual acuity was 6/6 using both eyes with glasses.
Visual field testing was normal in both eyes.

42. Consciousness

Neurological examination revealed moderate weakness in the right leg.

43 Continence

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44. Mental State

Tired: Looks tired
Build: Average build
Grooming: Well kempt
Dress General: Casually dressed
General health: Well
Tremulous: Present
Increased sweating: Present
Complexion: Looks flushed

Activity Rocking: Absent
Facial expression: Normal
Activity General: Restless
Coping at Interview: Some difficulty coping at interview
Arousal: Tense
Rapport: Adequate
Eye Contact: Adequate eye contact

Amount: Was talkative
Rate: Rapid
Volume: Normal
Content: Normal

Ideas of Self Harm: No ideas of self harm
Demeanour: Confident

Delusions: No delusions
Ruminations: Does not ruminate
Obsessions: None

Illusions: Does not experience illusions
Depersonalisation: Experiences no depersonalisation
Derealisation: Experiences no derealisation
Hallucinations: None

Cognition - General
Orientation: Orientated in time, place and person
Prompting: Needed Prompting
General Memory: Adequate

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44. Mental 5tate

Concentration: Poor

Insight: Good
Awareness of Danger: Adequate

No other significant findings from the mental state examination were noted.

45. Observed Behaviour

Lower Limb & Back

Client was able to sit on a chair with a back for 65 minutes.
The client rose twice from sitting in an upright chair (with chair arms) 
without physical assistance from another person.
The client was able to bend to the floor and get up again to pick up an item 
without assistance.
Stood independently for 5 minutes without difficulty.
The client walked 35 metres normally to the examination room.
Gait observed to be broad-based and I found this consistent.
Was able to get onto the couch without assistance.
Did not appear to have any difficulty using a step to get onto the couch.

Upper limb
Had difficulty with removing coat but was able to manage unaided.

Had no difficulty negotiating doorways and furniture within the examination centre.
Had no difficulty reading small print on medicine label and a letter.

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This form has been completed by a healthcare professional approved by the 
Secretary of State for Work and Pensions.

I have completed this form in accordance with the current guidance to 
ESA examining healthcare professionals as issued by the Department for Work 
and Pensions.

I can confirm that there is no harmful information in the report other than indicated.

Healthcare Professional's Name  Dr Ludmila Semetillo (Registered Medical Practitioner)
                                Approved Disability Analyst
Date                            24 July 2009