DWP ATOS and Military Veterans


Advice for military veterans undergoing a medical examination or assessment for their War Pension.

All information may be accessed for non-commercial use on the strict understanding that any quotes from my research will acknowledge the copyright as that of the author: Mo Stewart.

The Truth Behind Welfare Reforms

By Mrs S... - disabled veteran - 20 November 2011


A summary of research by Mrs S...:



As a medically retired healthcare professional, and a disabled female veteran in receipt of a War Pension, little did I know that a medical review of my pension would offer access to the suspect workings of Atos Healthcare whose parent company, Atos Origin, are IT specialists - with no previous experience in healthcare - but with a very lucrative government contract for the IT coverage of the 2012 Olympic Games....

In brief, a staff member from Atos Healthcare made a domiciliary visit, claimed to be a doctor yet refused, three times, to provide any form of ID to a lone, disabled female. This young doctor then proceeded to create a totally bogus medical report, claiming to have conducted a medical examination when no such examination was conducted, whilst refusing eye contact and treating me with utter contempt. Needless to say I was not impressed and, two years later, my subsequent research reports are now being quoted during the ongoing welfare reform debates in the House of Lords.

My initial research investigated Atos Origin Medical Services, otherwise known as Atos Healthcare, as I struggled to deal with the fact that the visiting Atos doctor was the most unethical medical professional I had ever met. Deep research exposed the reality, which is that Atos Origin Medical Services are a replica of the assessment system used by American corporate insurance giant Unum Provident Insurance, now known as Unum Insurance and, notoriously, the 2nd most discredited insurance company in America. They are powerful, untouchable and in the UK to destroy our welfare system at the invitation of successive British governments.

Detailed research exposed the reality of the government imposed medical assessment system, using Atos Healthcare and the LiMA computer software, that isn't fit for purpose, and numerous very detailed reports from the national charities that were all totally ignored. Together with ignoring the many reports from these national institutions, successive governments also ignored all recommendations from ten consecutive annual reports from His Honour Judge Robert Martin when President of the Appeal Tribunals, that all condemned the Atos medicals, together with totally ignoring all recommendations from successive Work and Pensions Select Committees. Due to the growing public outrage the government finally offered a token gesture in the form of an Emeritus Professor, Professor Malcolm Harrington, and his annual report recommendations are the only recommendations that the government reluctantly accept. Yet, twelve months following the Professor's initial report, there has been no improvement in the unacceptable experiences of patients who must tolerate an assessment by this private company that remains totally free from all public scrutiny, by either the General Medical Council (GMC) or the Care Quality Commission. The only redress for the victims of this government imposed medical tyranny is to personally report a named doctor to the GMC, who will only accept complaints against Atos medical staff if the assessment decision has been overturned at Appeal.... www.whywaitforever.com/dwpatosveterans.html refers

Unum Insurance have been government advisers since 1994, their memorandums to government committees have been adopted verbatum for the ongoing welfare reforms, and this country is on route to American style welfare, funded by insurance, as Unum Insurance now flood the UK market with mass marketing for their Income Protection Insurance as the DWP remove welfare support:

  • http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200203/ cmselect/cmworpen/401/3021203/htm (Dec 02)

  • http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200506/ cmselect/cmworpen/616/616we37.htm (Mar 06) refers.

Mrs S..., 20th November 2011